Company Information

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Company information

General information


If you should find faulty information or links on this site, we would be happy to receive an E-mail from you at


The same applies for any ideas or criticism you may have.


Company information as set out in § 6 Teledienstegesetz (TDG):  

Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG
Großmoorkehre 9
21079 Hamburg
Tel.: 0049 (40) 766904-0
Fax.: 0049 (40) 766904-88


Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA-Nr. 52698, HRB-Nr. 32434

VAT identification. DE 118240970



Ralf Bothfeld


Responsible for web site as in § 6 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag (MDStV):

Plan-Ad CrossMedia GmbH
An der Reitbahn 3
22926 Ahrensburg


Texts, pictures and graphics as well as the layout are under worldwide copyright. The unlawful use, reproduction of transmission of the whole, parts or complete pages will face criminal and civil prosecution.


With the judgment of the 12. May 1998 The Landgericht Hamburg stated that;  the publisher of a web site who offers links to other sites, can be held responsible for the information in the linked sites.  This can only be avoided if the publisher of the link expressly disclaims any responsibility on their site. On the Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG web site there are links to other sites. For all links the following applies:  Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG disclaim any responsibility and distance themselves from information held on sites whose link is incorporated into this web. This is also applicable to sites offering a link to Harms & Wende Gmbh & Co KG.


Data privacy
The data supplied by you for use in our data bank is processed and used for customer service  under the strict guidance of the data protection laws. This also includes the disclosure of your data to companies connected to us. In connection to the log-in facilities certain data is saved on our server i.e. IP-address data, time and pages visited. A print out or access to this data by a third party is not possible. On request a free enquiry of the person orientated information can be given. The user has the rights of change, restriction or removal of any or all saved data applicable. The Secrecy of telecommunications law protects all E-Mail contents from corruption or acknowledgment by others.


Security notice
Considering the known risks, sensitive or secret information should not be sent per e-mail.

Changes without notification possible.

Should the information on this page be misconstrued, The original version is applicable in all cases


(C) 2004, 2005 by Harms & Wende GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg


Company information

General information


If you should find faulty information or links on this site, we would be happy to receive an E-mail from you at


The same applies for any ideas or criticism you may have.


Company information as set out in § 6 Teledienstegesetz (TDG):  

Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG
Großmoorkehre 9
21079 Hamburg
Tel.: 0049 (40) 766904-0
Fax.: 0049 (40) 766904-88


Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA-Nr. 52698, HRB-Nr. 32434

VAT identification. DE 118240970



Ralf Bothfeld


Responsible for web site as in § 6 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag (MDStV):

Plan-Ad CrossMedia GmbH
An der Reitbahn 3
22926 Ahrensburg


Texts, pictures and graphics as well as the layout are under worldwide copyright. The unlawful use, reproduction of transmission of the whole, parts or complete pages will face criminal and civil prosecution.


With the judgment of the 12. May 1998 The Landgericht Hamburg stated that;  the publisher of a web site who offers links to other sites, can be held responsible for the information in the linked sites.  This can only be avoided if the publisher of the link expressly disclaims any responsibility on their site. On the Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG web site there are links to other sites. For all links the following applies:  Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG disclaim any responsibility and distance themselves from information held on sites whose link is incorporated into this web. This is also applicable to sites offering a link to Harms & Wende Gmbh & Co KG.


Data privacy
The data supplied by you for use in our data bank is processed and used for customer service  under the strict guidance of the data protection laws. This also includes the disclosure of your data to companies connected to us. In connection to the log-in facilities certain data is saved on our server i.e. IP-address data, time and pages visited. A print out or access to this data by a third party is not possible. On request a free enquiry of the person orientated information can be given. The user has the rights of change, restriction or removal of any or all saved data applicable. The Secrecy of telecommunications law protects all E-Mail contents from corruption or acknowledgment by others.


Security notice
Considering the known risks, sensitive or secret information should not be sent per e-mail.

Changes without notification possible.

Should the information on this page be misconstrued, The original version is applicable in all cases


(C) 2004, 2005 by Harms & Wende GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg